Speaker Bios
The Rev. William Pardy
The Rev. William Pardy dedicates himself to full-time ministry as a deacon with Christ Episcopal Church in Bradenton, engaging in youth and family pastoral care, the Stephen Ministry, and community outreach. His background in child welfare and substance abuse treatment informs his compassionate approach, particularly with families in the child welfare system. A University of South Florida honors graduate in religious studies and social work, “Billy” published a thesis examining religious apprehensions in substance abuse treatment. Passionate about the outdoors, he often paddle-boards and values family time with his wife and their eight children. As a transitional deacon, Billy is moving toward priesthood through formation at Nashotah House's hybrid-distance degree program, supported by his family's shared dedication to service and community.
The Rev. Jo Hedin
Deacon Jo Hedin is a cradle Episcopalian. She is an ordained Deacon of 21 years.
Her faith began to develop while growing up in Pennsylvania. As a mother of
three boys, she was involved in youth group activities and became the Youth
Group Leader. That role expanded into being the Youth Co-Leader for the Diocese
of South Dakota. One priority of this ministry was to teach youth how to lead
services using the BCP. Her love for the Book of Common Prayer (BCP)
continues to grow. A member of church of the Redeemer, Sarasota, she leads a
healing service within the Eucharist service on Saturday nights. She also visits
those who are unable to attend church regularly.
Dr. Nyle Hedin
Dr. Nyle Hedin joined the Episcopal church in 1971 and has been involved in
liturgy training at the churches he attended. He is now a member of Church of the
Redeemer, Sarasota, serving around the altar and is a member of the Altar Guild.
The BCP is integral to liturgical worship, and he believes that the BCP should be a
familiar book for every Episcopalian. Dr. Hedin holds a PhD in Materials,
Engineering, and Science, and specializes in nanotechnology. Dr. Hedin is also a
Vietnam Vet, with 20 years of service before retiring.
The Rev. Nikki Seger
The Rev. Nikki Seger serves as the Assistant Rector at St Boniface on Siesta Key in Sarasota and is a member of the Commission on Ministry for the diocese. Nikki was raised in the Episcopal church as a “priest’s kid” worshiping in a wide variety of congregations and locations. As an avid outdoors enthusiast who moved to SW Florida from Michigan, Nikki is patiently learning the intricacies of saltwater fly-fishing and has enjoyed putting away her snow shovel. No matter her context, Nikki uses water and movement as spiritual guideposts to her ministry.
Sue Van Oss
Sue Van Oss is Director of Digital Communications and Christian Formation at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church on Sanibel Island. Her ministry spans over 30 years in Midwest churches as a children/youth/family and digital minister. She enjoys helping the generations connect and grow in their faith in their homes and in their community. She and her husband Bill, who is Rector of St. Michael’s, moved to Florida in the height of the pandemic and now are guiding their strong and resilient parish community through the restoration process after their church buildings were devastated by Ian. She has a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University.
Christina Vasquez
Christina Vasquez is the Godly Play host at Church of the Good
Shepherd in Punta Gorda. She is a wife, mother, registered nurse and
vocalist who has always found a home in church. She has a passion for
Christian formation, journeying with others and storytelling. A graduate
of EfM and certified Godly Play story teller, Chris has experience as a
workshop facilitator, lay preacher and homiletic coach. She believes that
in creating holy spaces to share our stories, we might come close to the
peace and unity we seek.
The Rev. Alexander Andujar
The Rev. Alexander Andujar is the Rector of St. John the Divine in Sun City Center, the Diocesan Coordinator for Hispanic and Latino Formation, and a certified spiritual director. His work among diverse groups within and outside of the Church has given him the opportunity to build relationships across diverse constituencies and raise awareness of the spiritual and pastoral needs of the marginalized. Fr. Andujar is passionate about the study and practice of theology and spirituality as it relates to discerning the Church’s call to live out the dynamic love of Jesus Christ in a world that is hurting. As Chaplain for Water and the Word, he is committed to creating an environment of prayer and hospitality so that each person may encounter God’s loving embrace. He loves to spend time with his wife, two teenage sons, two dogs, two cats, and the ocean whenever he gets the chance.
Lindsey Nickel
Lindsey Nickel is the Director of Communications for the Diocese of Southwest Florida. Celebrating 20 years in her communications career, she is grateful for the incredible opportunities God has shared with her through her work. Lindsey stays fresh with good skincare and defuses difficult situations with humor. Her communications roles have allowed her to manage creative teams for some of the nation's biggest brands, and oversee a variety of disciplines including advertising, branding, multi-media production, digital content, and public relations. She is an award-winning executive producer and copywriter, receiving top honors at the American Advertising Awards, The Telly’s, and the Image Awards. Mom of three girls and two doggos, her life is abundant and rich with prayer, humor, color, driving, Amazon Alexas, and laundry baskets.
Melissa Rau
A lifelong Episcopalian, Melissa Rau has been a leader in The Episcopal Church for more than 20 years. She specializes in formation and discipleship, as well as church-wide strategic planning, institutional advancement, and congregational development. Melissa serves as the Diocesan Coordinator for Programming and Formation and the Director of Formation and Engagement at St. Mark’s in Venice. She was the Senior Program Director for Leadership, Partnerships, and New Initiatives at the Episcopal Church Foundation (ECF) and managed the Forma network. She has been a consultant with Ministry Architects — the nation’s leading provider of strategic planning for children’s, youth, and church-wide ministries — since 2012. Melissa also serves as the host of For People with Bishop Rob Wright, a weekly podcast produced by the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. Melissa is working her way toward an M.Div. with the General Theological Seminary and is in a perpetual state of discernment. She and her husband, the Rev. Mike Rau, have been married for 23 years and share three wonderful children: Natalie (Talie), Kiersten, and Peyton.
The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
The Rev. Canon Richard Norman serves as the Canon to the Ordinary and Chief of Staff for the Diocese of Southwest Florida. Canon Norman has served as Rector of Grace Episcopal Church and School, Monroe, La. His prior ministry experience includes service at St. Mark’s Cathedral, Minneapolis, Minn; Church of the Redeemer, Greenville, S.C.; All Saints, Chevy Chase, Md.; and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Abbeville, La. He also served as a priest in charge of parishes in the Diocese of London. He holds S.T.M. and M.Div. degrees from the General Seminary, an M.A. and B.Sc. From Louisiana State University and as well as training in Congregational Wellness, and Stephen Ministry. He is proficient in French, German and Spanish.